Monday, June 1, 2009

in the long weekend

I had to go into town with my sister because it was her birthday. I had to go into Lots of girly shops with her and she said that i had to carry her bags for her but then i said no carry them yourself she said I'll give you some money if you carry them then i said yes. We went and had some lunch at the mall. Then after that we went for a little walk around town i didn't buy anything so i saved my money and went home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My holidays

In the holidays we went fishing at the cut in this ugly old bed ford with my uncle this fella that stays up the road from me and my brother. We Went to the cut and had a little fish but we didn't catch anything. It was about 4 pm so we went fishing at the mount we were there four about 2 hours first i caught a kahawai then not so long after that my uncle caught a little yellow finned Macarel which was little as but he still kept it after that we didn't get any bites so we left and went back to the cut and slept in the camper. We woke up the next morning set the rods up and had a fish we didnt catch any so we went to maketu had a feed and a swim. Then we went back that day.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi my name is J.J I'm twelve and i live in Rotorua i go to Kaitao Middle School I'm in Room 4 Discovery my teachers name is Mrs Goldsworthy there are three classes in our academy. There are two year 7 classes and one year 8 class. The room 4 teacher is Mrs Goldsworthy the room 5 teacher is Mrs Edwards and the room 6 teacher is whea Jane.

We learn heaps of different things on computers. My favourite technology's are music, electronics, and Art. My mates are Elim, Jimmy, Alistair, pinto, Joe, Eru and others.